warehouse-building | Vendor of Boutique Clothing | Boutique-Clothing.com


If you are struggling with pricing in your wholesale or retail business, for clothing or shoes, chances are our wholesale stock clothing can help you out.
Don’t waste your time for any complicated processes on something we can handle easy.


60+ Brands
Multibrand Wholesale Clothing Supplier image
Multibrand Wholesale Clothing Supplier image
Worldwide Delivery of Wholesale Stock Clothing image
Worldwide Delivery of Wholesale Stock Clothing image

We deliver our goods by land, sea and at the request of the customer also by air freight

Customer care Wholesale Stock Slothes image
Customer care Wholesale Stock Slothes image
Human Approach Customer Care

We consider each client as a human being

High quality boutique wholesale clothing | 10 Million+ pcs available image
High quality boutique wholesale clothing | 10 Million+ pcs available image
10 Million+ pieces
per Year available
High quality boutique wholesale clothing | handshake icon
High quality boutique wholesale clothing | handshake icon
since 2007
High quality boutique wholesale clothing | Up to 95% Discount from Retail price
High quality boutique wholesale clothing | Up to 95% Discount from Retail price
Up to 95% Discount
from Retail price

Quality and Quantity in ONE

Quality and quantity are well matched at our company. UpStock is your source for affordable high quality wholesale boutique clothing you can rely on.

We can supply several Millions pieces of wholesale stock clothes and shoes per Year.

From dresses, home textile, sportswear to swimwear to shoes. New arrivals arrive weekly and seasonal classics are always in stock.


Today, we produce much more clothes and shoes than people actually need. People are running behind the fashion trend instead of simply dressing, therefore too much will be produced and at the end of the season the collections will be burned, thrown away, because the manufacturers are afraid to lose their profit. This pollutes the environment and destroys nature with its resources.

Our mission is to save our world. The wholesale stock clothing is a way to give the expired collections a second chance to clothing and footwear. We try to counteract the consumerist behavior of mankind, to give people the opportunity to buy the same goods, same quality, same brand very cheap (up to 90% cheaper than in the boutiques with new collection).

Our planet is our life!

What a rich world we live in, how much beauty we see! We can breathe deep, enjoy the sunshine, water and peace. Our planet is full of life. And what do we give her in return? Waste, Garbage, Destruction, Poison, Cruelty, Greed, Fear

Why are we doing this? After all, our children see everything.
Is this the kind of world we want to leave them? ❗Of course not❗

We all want change. And it's really possible. Connect to an important project for all of humanity Creative Society
It's time for the truth and unity of all people for the sake of saving our civilization and the entire planet, for the sake of our children and future generations.

More detailed information about global humanity project: CreativeSociety.com

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